Friday, 4 February 2011

Boy with wings

These atc's were all swapped out in the yahoo group Vintageatcuk, Ali Brandist is the owner off this group and what a great group it is, loads of swaps going on,  a small and very friendly group, has been up and running about 8 months,  so if you are looking for  a new group to join why not take a look at this one :-)

The backgrounds to these are all made from scrap papers left over from other projects, after  playtime I gather up all offcuts of paper, braids, ribbons etc and keep them for future use, I have used paints, inks, gesso and stamping on these backgrounds and am very pleased with the way they look !!!!!


Jen said...

These atc's are lovely and backgrounds great.

Ineke Original said...

Perfect! Well done!